Wenesco Custom Hot Plates

(Above) Model HP66 hot plate with 6x6 anodized aluminum surface, fitted with a removable hood and transparent glass lid, which slides away easily for access to the heated object
Temperature is controlled with a remote digital thermostat that displays current temperature and set point. This style is available up to a 24 x 24-inch plate size
(Right) HP2472 2 Zone Custom Hot Plate with Hood
(Below) Custom made hot plate 48 in long x 4" wide shown with standard ST thermostat

(Below) Custom made for a prominent American university, with plate temperature uniform to 3 deg C over a 40" x 60" surface. Features an insulated, counter-balanced hood.

(Above) Model HP1836 hot plate shown with optional remote dual AH thermostat control. This upgrade from the standard single thermostat enables each half of the 18 X 36" plate to have its own temperature control.
(Below) Model HPZ5 with 5 separate heating zones under a single hi-temp glass plate. Each zone is independently controlled with remote digital thermostats. Wenesco can custom make a multi-zone hot plate to suit your requirements.

Here are some of the special possibilities:
Sizes we have made for customers: from 1/2-inch square up to 48x144 inches.
High-power hot plates are designed for rapid heatup and heavy work loads.
Heavy-duty hot plates for work loads up to 2,000 pounds.
Flanges for mounting into a hole on your work table.
Finger rests so operator can perform delicate tasks without burning fingers.
High temperature hot plates - up to 1500F (793C).
Special voltages.
Heavy duty stand - you choose length of legs.
Portable insulated hood to convert hot plate into an oven.

(Above) Custom hot plate with a 10 x 54-inch coated surface, mounted on casters, with a removable insulated hood. Temperature is controlled with a remote digital thermostat.
(Below) Custom multi-zone hot plate has 3 hot surfaces (.5 x.5 in), each controlled with a digital thermostat. One of the zones includes a vacuum which is used to “pull down” a small component to the heated surface.
(Above Left) Custom made, 15-foot, dual-zone hot plate controlled with remote digital thermostats.
(Above Center) 12x18 in. hot plate on adjustable tilting stand.
(Above) "Book end hotplates" shown on end, face to face, to heat an object from two sides.
The plates are 8 in. wide by 16 in. high, and are controlled with twin remote digital thermostats. This configuration is available in many sizes.
These plates may be purchased individually or as a pair.
(Above) This four-station hot plate installed in our customer's plant is shown curing adhesives in filter assemblies. Each station has its own digital temperature control and heat cycle timer. Completion of the heating cycle is signaled by a light tower at each station.
(Above) Special hot plate with a 4 in square heated surface drilled and tapped to customer specifications. This hot plate is controlled with a programmable digital thermostat.